The Principal’s corner
Looking ahead
Whilst in a number of places the tone is very much about wrapping up the year, at IST we are getting excited about planning for the future, looking ahead and identifying opportunities for our community. The Senior Leadership Group started working on our whole-school strategic vision, and we have asked ourselves a number of key questions: What is next for IST? What is our big picture? What story are we telling? Mobility and Innovation were at the heart of our conversations and will continue to be, as we unpack this vision further and collectively with all colleagues in January.
Looking ahead also means that we are also looking at increasing our before and after school provision so that we can offer wrap around care for our students. This would offer immense benefits to our families, and wider community. Before we go ahead and confirm options, we would like to gauge interest. If you haven’t done so already, please fill in this short questionnaire (by Monday) to help us help you.
Winter Wonderland: it’s next week!!! If you haven’t signed up yet, please do so by clicking on the following link, and take a look at the latest information about the event here.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Rachel Leonard,
IST Principal
The Primary corner
At IST two of our core values are creativity and curiosity. There was a multi sensory surprise on Tuesday in the canteen. The catering staff had decorated the lunchrooms and we had a special Lebanese menu. The students were open minded and discovered some of the culinary delights from this part of the world.
Walking around the school the creativity of the students is clearly on display. Both grade 4 classes have been creating in the style of American artist Charles McGee and produced a visually striking collaborative piece of 3D art. Well done
Alison Pattinson
Head of Primary
The Secondary corner
Focus on the Arts!
This week we have enjoyed some wonderful performances from both Theatre and Music students, and had a fabulous Art trip to Toulouse.
On Wednesday evening Arnaud and the Grade 12 band, The Monkeys, performed a fantastic and very varied set of pieces from a real range of genres including jazz, salsa, funk and R&B. Arnaud organised the concert for his IB Higher Level Music project and he and his friends did a really excellent and professional job. The performances were really polished and of an excellent level. The concert also raised funds for Water Aid, one of the charities we support through CAS.
Also this week we had some very powerful performances from three IGCSE Drama students, Almas, Estela and Sophie, who presented the coursework monologues they are required to do for their IGCSE Drama course. The performances were given in front of the whole school and filmed live - something that requires real courage and nerve. All three students gave very powerful and impressive performances. These performances were also coupled with a great show given to us by the students who attended the recent International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) trip. Using their drama skills, these students from Grades 6,7 & 8 gave us a real insight into the work, activities and fun they had on their trip. See here for a lovely report about the trip from Luisa in Grade 8:
And finally, the Grade 9 and 11 Art students had a wonderful trip to Toulouse on Thursday to see the current Giacometti exhibition at Les Abattoirs. The students were a credit to the school. See here for a brief report from Mrs Wilkins.
Nick Fretwell
Head of Secondary
#whatISThebuzz @IST next week?
Next Week | |
Tuesday 28th November | Grade 10 IB options evening (7pm) |
Thursday 30thNovember | ISTA Madrid HS Festival (30 novembre - 3 décembre 2023) |
Friday 1st December | Winter Wonderland (after school 4.30 - 6.30) Festive and fun stalls run by Friends of IST Sign up here if you are planning to attend |
Save the date | |
Monday 4th December | Lessons and Carols Concert (19.30-21.00) Eglise Sainte Marie Madeleine, Pibrac |
Thursday 7th December | Primary Christmas Concert G2 & G3 (11.00-11.45) in the Auditorium |
Thursday 7th December | Primary Christmas Concert G4 & G5 (15.00-15.45) in the Auditorium |