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How IST Students are Making a Global Impact Through Kindness and Sustainability Initiatives

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The Principal’s corner

The virtuous circle of helping others 

Research has shown us that being kind to others has a direct positive impact on our own wellbeing (more info here if you are curious). This week has illustrated how we, as a community, demonstrate kindness on a number of levels: a group of IBDP students organised a cake sale yesterday to support the WaterAid charity. Make sure to also take a look at the IST Environmental group blog and their article on the Moroccan earthquake. Our canteen is running the ‘Opération brioches’ from October 9th to 15th to support AgaPei (AGir avec Amis, Parents et Professionnels pour les Personnes en situation de handicap); here are some examples of projects funded last year. On a personal note, I receive kindness daily in my exchanges with our students: primary students often come up to me when I am on the playground to say hello, and tell me about their day, pets, friends; secondary students always ask me how I am, and how my day is going. These short daily conversations are so important, and mean so much. They show how we care for one another, and make such a difference, not to mention what a wonderful boost of positive energy they are!

Lastly, don’t forget our upcoming Festival International (IST International Day) on October 13th. We need you! More information can be found here.

Rachel Leonard

IST Principal


The Primary corner

Sustainable Development

The thread that seems to connect the sections within the bulletin this week links directly to our mission of having a positive impact on the world.  This week, it has  been encouraging to see the students taking greater care in ensuring that only uneaten bread and no paper or plastic waste is placed in the canteen collection point. Obviously, this waste can then be reused for animal food. 

Such simple daily actions demonstrate how we can support the Sustainable Development Goals. Recycling waste food demonstrates how we can be responsible consumers. The Grade 5 classes have  been delving deeper into the SDGs  and I had a lot of fun playing the games that they had created in pairs or small groups. A wonderful example of how “play” based learning doesn’t just apply to the Early Years. 

Alison Pattinson

Head of Primary


The Secondary corner

Time to live your dreams!

It was time to reflect on our dreams this week in Secondary as Grade 12 student Tiffanie Cheng told us all about her adventures working on a conservation project in Indonesia. Her activities were really varied and were always focussed on having a positive impact, both underwater and on land! She did a great presentation on the amazing experiences she had on her trip: scuba diving (getting hands-on experience planting and helping conserve coral reefs); exploring forest trails, collecting data for conservation projects;  beach cleaning, and the excellent work she did with children in local schools -  raising awareness of global conservation  issues and helping  teach them English too. Bravo Tiffanie! 

We very much look forward to seeing reports back form Alicia and Caitlin who were also successful applicants last year who will be coming back to tell us about their adventures soon. If you wish to learn more about the James Rao Live Your Dream Foundation and the great opportunity it offers successful IST applicants please click here


We were really pleased to have a visit from our IST Graduating Class of 2013 who came in today to talk to current IST students about studies and the world of work since graduating from IST. It was wonderful to see them and  show them around the school. It was  a real trip down memory lane for them and some of our teachers, and so nice to hear how much they really  loved their time here at IST - “It really is special here!”, one of them commented. 

Nick Fretwell

Head of Secondary 


#whatISThebuzz @IST next week? 

Next Week

Monday 25 September

G6 to musée Camp Al Campestre

Monday 25 September

Introduction to the Primary Years Programme (PYP) An  Information session for Primary Parents 3:00p.m – 4:00pm

Friday 29 September

Saturday 30 September

Happy 50th Anniversary DST!

Various celebrations on campus

For your diaries - save the date!

Friday 13 October

Festival International (International Day)

WE NEED YOU! - please let us know how you can take part and save the date!

We are looking forward to welcoming the whole community on to our site to get together with friends, new and old, and celebrate the diversity of our community! With food, stalls and entertainment from all over the world it should be great fun! See all the details here, where there is also a sign-up sheet, and a call for help! Do please put the date in your calendar!

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