IST Parent Delegates
The International School of Toulouse recognises the vital role that parents play in their children’s education and that it is important to obtain an objective opinion from parents on school matters as valued partners in the work of the school.
The fundamental purpose of the Parent Delegates is to provide a structure for ongoing, consistent and open communication between parents and the school. Parent Delegates are responsible for representing the views of the parents in their respective grades and not his/her own individual viewpoint or that of a single parent or minority group. A spirit of co-operation, of working together for the benefit of all the children of IST, together with mutual respect is essential for the success of the organisation.
Within the Primary and Secondary Schools there are usually two Parent Delegates representing each grade. The Delegates meet with the Head of Primary/Secondary each half term and these meetings are an important means of identifying issues of concern to parents, celebrating successes and offering the school constructive feedback. Parent Delegates meet with the School Governors twice per year.

Friends of IST
Upon joining the IST community, all parents become members of the ʻFriends of ISTʻ. You can participate in activities celebrating the schoolʻs diversity and creativity, volunteer your time and talents to social endeavours and support the school community.
However you choose to be involved, we hope you will find within the ʻFriends of ISTʻ Parent Association a welcoming community for lively social exchange whilst supporting the school.
The role of this association is to raise funds and organise social and cultural events for students and parents of the school. "Friends" is a fully recognised French association under the law of 1901 and has an elected committee including a President, Treasurer and Secretary.