At the International School of Toulouse History is treated as a living subject which helps us make sense of the present by understanding the past. We have developed a genuinely international focus to our curriculum. Whenever possible we allow students to choose their own outcomes when demonstrating their learning.
As a result, the topics we cover include a 'murder mystery' induction project with Grade 6, a strategy game in Grade 7 focusing on the Golden Age of Piracy, and a film-making project on the causes of the American Civil War in Grade 8. At IGCSE, students study the Modern World History syllabus with a focus on 20th Century Europe. At IB, Standard Level students complete one paper comparing wars and dictators from different continents and a second on the struggle for civil rights in Apartheid South Africa and in the United States during the 1960s. Higher Level students additionally complete an exam paper on the history of the Americas.
We also have a well-established programme of events for all year groups. These include trips to Toulouse when studying Medieval architecture, Carcassonne when studying the Cathars and residential trips for Grade 9 and Grade 11 to study both the World War One Battlefields and Barcelona in the Spanish Civil War.