School Uniform & Dress Code

Primary School Uniform
Plain black, dark brown or dark blue leather shoes or sandals, with socks
Plain dark blue trousers or shorts – not jeans
Plain dark blue or red polo sports-style shirt (without a designer name or logo)
Plain dark blue or red jumper or sweatshirt (without a designer name or logo)
Plain dark blue or red fleece
Flat plain black, dark brown or dark blue leather (not patent) shoes or sandals, with socks
Plain dark blue trousers, shorts or skirts (but no miniskirts) – not jeans
Plain dark blue or red polo sports-style shirt (without a designer name or logo)
Plain dark blue or red jumper or sweatshirt (without a designer name or logo)
Plain dark blue or red fleece
Blue and white or red and white check summer dresses
Plain one colour white, blue or red socks or tights
Sports Uniform Girls and Boys
Pupils in Kindergarten 1 to Grade 4 may come to school in tracksuit / PE clothes on the days on which they have sport) and remain in them throughout the day. Pupils in Grade 5 should bring PE clothes and change before and after sport.
Plain white T-shirt
Plain dark blue shorts
Plain dark blue tracksuit (not patterned and without a designer label)
White trainers with non-marking soles for Sports Hall use only and a second pair of trainers for outdoor use – these can be worn to school on days when children come wearing their sports kit (see above). For younger children we recommend Velcro fastening trainers.
No jewellery is to be worn for any physical activity.
Uniform can be obtained locally from Decathlon / Kiabi / Cyrillus / Carrefour and on line from www.marksandspencer.com or www.next.co.uk
Pupils should not come to School wearing any of the following:-
Jeans or clothes bearing a designer label or logo
Jewellery (a watch and one pair of small ear studs only)
Nail varnish
Medium length or long hair should be tied back off the face

Secondary School Dress Code
Students at IST are ambassadors of the School.
Students realise that it is a privilege to attend the School and they try their best to contribute to the positive image that the School wishes to present to the world.
Students realise that School is a place for learning and that displays of fashion are secondary.
Older students provide positive role models for the younger students in the way that they dress and respect the school rules. It should be remembered that children of Primary School age share our site with us.
Parents and students are aware that the dress code is designed to adhere to the rules of health and safety.
We believe that adhering to a dress code helps prepare students for the world of work and is good training in self-discipline.
In all cases the final decision regarding what is appropriate and what is not appropriate rests with the School.
As a general rule for parents and students, check dress every morning. If in doubt please change it.
Clothing should be smart and clean. Clothing items should not have offensive or inappropriate logos or messages on them (for example, a T-shirt advertising an alcoholic drink is not appropriate in school).
Clothing should cover the body appropriately (for example, very low-cut tops or ones that have midriffs exposed are not appropriate).
Dresses and skirts must be of a reasonable length to ensure that underwear is not on show.
Trousers, jeans or shorts should be smart and clean.
If open-toed shoes are worn to school then students must bring a change of shoes to cover their feet for Science and DT lessons.
Students must be dressed appropriately for sport. Failure to have appropriate clothes to change into for sport will result in sanctions in the same way as any other subject where students fail to bring the correct materials.
Jewellery and Accessories
Discreet earrings or studs in the ear lobe may be worn. Large earrings may not be worn for health and safety reasons.
No other facial or body piercing is allowed.
Tattoos should not be visible.
Students are allowed to wear a wristwatch if they wish. Such items as necklaces and bracelets if worn must be discreet. No valuable jewellery should be worn at school.
Any possessions brought to school are entirely the responsibility of the student concerned.
Only discreet makeup and nail varnish are allowed.
Hair should be clean and tidy. No outlandish hairstyles are permitted.
If students choose to dye their hair it should be of a natural colour/shade.