The International School of Toulouse welcomes students from all over the world. There are currently more than 30 nationalities represented within the student body.
Approximately 24% of students at the school are British, 31% Spanish and 15% French.
On average our students are with us for 3 years. Approximately 16% of our students relocate at the end of each school year.

Student Council
Students elected to the Primary School Council are given training about their roles and responsibilities. There are two elected students in each year group from Grade 1 to Grade 5. Prior to the elections older children are asked to write a ‘pen portrait’ about themselves for voters to consider. Elected members are presented with a badge in assembly and attend meetings every two to three weeks.
The minutes of Primary Student Council meetings are posted on the Student Council blog and members feedback to their classes after each meeting.
The Secondary Student Council meets regularly. The main function of the Secondary Student Council is to try and make the school environment as conducive to student well-being and learning as is possible.
There are two elected students to represent each year group and the Student Council should mirror the cultural, ethnic and gender mix of the student body within the school as far as possible.

Creativity, activity, service (CAS) is one of the three essential elements that every student must complete as part of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP). CAS is a counterbalance to the world of scholarship, an invitation to students to participate in activities destined to develop attitudes and values, which transcend barriers of religion, race, class, gender or politics.
At IST, students are encouraged to use their energies in cooperation with others and at the same time give service to the local, national and international community.
The IST programme addresses students’ cognitive, social, emotional and physical well-being and offer opportunities for students to become active and caring members of local, national and global communities.
Link to recent CAS activity: Scholarly Support from Toulouse to Thailand

​House System
Within the Primary School there is a system of vertical grouping into House Teams (Ruby, Emerald, Topaz and Sapphire) which provides smaller, more intimate units in order to promote interaction between different ages, a sense of community and belonging, and to foster an atmosphere of healthy competition.
The purpose of the House System is to provide pastoral care, to monitor academic progress, to promote moral growth and to provide a framework for competition within the school. The House system provides opportunities for students to take responsibility. Students in each house elect officers: Captain and Vice-Captain
The house system is a source of fun, competition and teamwork.
It gives students the opportunity to represent their house with the emphasis on ‘taking part’. Activities include:
House games – fun activities at the beginning of the year designed to ‘break the ice’ and integrate new students
Inter-house competitions: sports, art, music, drama ….
Fund-raising activities for charity
A House points system is a positive way of rewarding students’ contributions. Points are accumulated with the ultimate prize, the house cup, being presented to the winning house.