“If a school is to be judged on the degree to which students are engaged in the process of learning, or the level of professionalism and dedication of the staff, then the International School of Toulouse is doing an excellent job.
If a school is to be judged on the commitment to improvement by the degree to which the stakeholders of the school community have dedicated themselves to the process of the self-study, then IST must be applauded. IST’s approach to the process of School improvement has been exemplary, one that other schools should seek to replicate:
from the high level of participation by the Board/staff/students/parents in the Community Opinion Survey
to the analysis of the results of this survey,
to the communication of the analysis in order to inform areas to be addressed by the various subcommittees,
to the detailed reports of the individual areas of the school’s curriculum and operation,
to the actions taken for improvement as a result of the self-study process and, finally,
to the very detailed Whole School Action Plan.
IST has provided a model for the spirit, hard work and dedication with which a self-study process should be undertaken.
Full marks, IST!”
Taken from the concluding statement from the CIS / NEASC Accreditation Visiting Team Report, March 2011